We Taught A Computer To Speak Sheng! Ground-breaking big data research with Cambridge University’s Africa’s Voices [ARCHIVE]

  • Tech & Innovation
  • 20 Aug 2015

Since 2014 we’ve been working with Cambridge University’s Africa’s Voices project, combining machine learning and human analysis to delve into the hundreds of thousands of SMS messages Shujaaz receives from fans.

Working with Africa’s Voices has opened a new world of insight and potential, hiding in data we already had but couldn’t interpret. To be able to decipher the collective meaning within our audience correspondence is like listening at the keyhole of a giant conversation. The new clarity this has given us, deepened and enhanced by the skilled professional support of the Africa’s Voices team, has helped us refine our purpose and our methods, and given us a powerful new account of the impact of our work.

Rob Burnet

Read their article on our collaboration here: https://www.africasvoices.org/case-studies/well-told-story-contraception/

Young & Kenyan

7 Years, 13K interviews

An essential guide to the trends that will shape their future